Support Group
Dr. Margaret offers a 6-week Zoom support group. To join Dr. Margaret's telephone support group, call 310-459-1700 or 888-646-6372.
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Daily Inspiration
A friend was suffering the kind of pain that can only be born of the heart. In a moment of inspiration he found the courage to share it with me. His heart healed, And mine was filled. God designed it to always be this way.
By Dr. Erika Chopich
'After attending and participating in my first Intensive, it is my belief that the work that took place was more profound, productive, positive and life giving than any efforts or endeavors that took place in my life up to this point. I couldn't imagine a soul that wouldn't benefit from Inner Bonding and whose life wouldn't be enriched by the process. Many thanks to Dr. Margaret, the Inner Bonding Facilitators, community and myself for having the courage to see the truth and embody it.' Colorado Intensive 6.12
John Paul Kramny
"It is a life changing experience each and every time I attend an Intensive. 'Change your life, attend an Intensive." Advanced Intensive, N.Y., 11/07
Cindy Shore
"I had read a number of Margaret's books before I attended the Intensive but knew that I only had what is something called 'Book Learning.' I needed to practice Inner Bonding in a deep and regular way to fully understand it. Margaret's devotion and commitment to helping others is insirational. She has a dep connection to God and is very loving, kind and also direct and honest." Lucerne Valley Intensive, 11/06
Paul Yarema
"A warm, nurturing, loving experience. A safe place to open to your deepest fears, wounds and loneliness and walk away feeling whole, nourished and totally peaceful. It was time to connect with myself and spirit and really see the truth of who I am - who God created me to be." Lucerne Valley, CA June, 2000
Ginger Dixon
"The [virtual] intensive was actually a very energizing experience. I learned that I was settling for less than I wanted for my life. That patterns of behavior are just that, patterns and that can be changed if I make the decision and take the actions to do so. "
Mary Conlon
'I am on my way. I have found a place of peace within my heart and I am deeply grateful for this experience. Thank you for your guidance and for introducing me to my own inner Guidance.' Jan.'09 Santa Barbara Intensive
Jeanne A. Heinzer