Work with Dr. Margaret Paul

Work With Dr. Margaret Paul


Dr. Margaret Paul consults on the phone, Skype, and Zoom with both individuals and couples. If you are interested in Inner Bonding facilitation with Dr. Margaret, or just want some information, you can contact our Inner Bonding assistant, Valerie Lippincott, at 310-459-1700, or at 888-6INNERBOND (888-646-6372), or email her at Valerie will be happy to help you and answer any questions you have.

How I work with my clients:

My goal with my clients is to help them move into a deep sense of self-worth and personal power. I encourage them not to give me authority over them - not to put me up on a pedestal, but instead to learn to trust themselves, to become their own guru. I care deeply about my clients and I always do all I can to support them in supporting their highest good. Because I can see beyond their woundedness into their beautiful soul, I can help them to move beyond their erroneous beliefs about themselves and embrace who they really are as an incredible spark of the Divine. I do nothing to encourage their dependency on me. In my view, any therapist that supports dependency isn’t ethical. Instead, I help them to develop their access to their own higher guidance. In my 52 years of working with people, I’ve seen that there is no true healing without a spiritual connection, and traditional psychotherapy doesn’t help clients create this.

I have no agenda for my clients other than what they want for themselves, which enables me to be very patient and non-judgmental with them. This helps them to be patient and non-judgmental with themselves, which is vital for their healing.

I am warm and caring with them, but I don’t get involved with them on a personal level. I’m very transparent with them, often sharing experiences from my own life as a way of helping them feel safe in being vulnerable. Creating inner safety and safety between us is vitally important, but at the same time I’m very confrontative and straight-forward regarding what I see happening with them.

I work primarily by allowing my guidance to come through me and also allowing their guidance to come through me. I often receive a huge amount of information about the client this way, often with holographic pictures of their issues and how to help them.

I work very successfully with individuals, couples, friendships, family relationships and business partnerships

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I watched a friend plant a flower yesterday. It was the defining illustration of hope. Expressing hope is always beautiful.



Inner Bonding Events

03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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